Sunday, October 9, 2011


This picture is better now because if you look at the first picture you can tell it looks smaller and darker compared to the second one and its not cropped in the first one. To enhance my photo I had to fix the brightness and contrast and I also had to crop out the hand and the extra stuff on the side. It was a little bright when I fixed the contrast and brightness, so what I had to do was fix the level of the color. That's all I did to make it look better.


I like this photo because the color in it looks really nice and how the sun is shining on it. I think the lighting looks really good also. If I could change anything about this photo, it'd probably be nothing. What I did to take this photo was I leaned down a little bit and then I put the camera really low so the bottom part was touching the cement. I went to an elementary school called Hilltop. I didn't have to setup anything to take this picture, it was pretty easy to take it. I took this picture the way I did because I thought it'd look nicer if you could see it from the bottom, you could get more details. I think this photo does represent my photographic style because I'm sorta the type who likes to take pictures of nature.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Assignment 5, texture and patterns

1. Bricks
2. Basketball coourt in the gym
3. School bench
4. Bathroom floor
5. School matt
6. Branch, smooth and rough
7. Rocks on the cement, bumpy
8. Satauce and little rocks, rough
9. Glass window
10. The tile floor
11. Wall, bumpy
12. Satuace, rough
13. Playground
14. Water bottle, bubbles and bumps
15. Basketball court outside